AJ Marlow’s Web Site

This is my personal page. It reflects my interests and activities, one of which is photography. You will find several pages of photo albums organized around travel and my other interests. A major effort has been to present some useful information about hostas, the growing of which has become somewhat of an obsession. Our tree shaded yard in USDA zone 4 provides perfect growing conditions for hosta and its companion plants. I am a member of the Minnesota Hosta Society and the American Hosta Society. And also the photo editor for The Hosta Journal, the official publication of the AHS. For more about hosta, jump here…

Welcome to my site

In 2002 I was fortunate to be able to travel to Kenya in East Africa for five weeks of teaching, learning and safari. Then in 2006 I returned to Kenya and also visited neighboring Uganda with a vision group from Mission Moving Mountains.

In addition to photography, I am an avid Macintosh computer user and do consulting work for users. Here’s a link to my consulting page. I’ve also begun working in video and am the principal editor for a series of gardening programs being produced by the Men’s Garden Club of Minneapolis.

Hostas are the perfect plant for my gardens. They are highly shade tolerant and very hardy. Species hostas were discovered in Japan and Korea and have been bred into over 7,000 cultivars though sporting, purposeful breeding and senendipity, aided by plant division and tissue culture. I have about 110 cultivars in my yard but hosta friends (or fiends) I know have many more.